A individual/s who has supported the breed, gone above and beyond in there involvement ,demonstrating and sharing there passion for the breed.
This individual/s has contributed to the betterment of the breed has demonstrated outstanding achievement to the breed, always there to help & support others within the breed.
Someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the breed. Dedicating many years towards the health and welfare of our wonderful breed.
The person/people who is often behind the scenes and doesn’t get enough appraisal, is selflessly involved in betterment of health and well-being of the breed. The one who always willing to help others. The one with outstanding dedication to health and education within the breed. The one who is always ready to defend the breed.
A Exhibitor who is New to the Breed or an old timer...... who always handles their dogs in kind and gentle manner to get the very best from there dogs.
Presents themselves and their dogs to the highest of standards.
The nominee should show excellent sportsmanship and be respectful to judges , other competitors and be seen as a role model in the breed to the wider dog showing community.
Open to any type of photographer who takes pictures at shows ..A photographer recognised for original, quality pictures of exhibits . A photographer who is approachable and polite to exhibitors and who takes photographs which portraits the dogs in the best possible light.
A secretary who goes above and beyond for the club and it’s members.
Puts 100% commitment and perfection in to the running of the very best shows possible.
A secretary who Is a leader and supports the club and its committee .
One who is not afraid of a challenge and thinks out of the box for the betterment of the club and it’s members by going the extra mile to make there club and show the very best they possibly can.
The club who is well organised and well run which is exhibitor and dog friendly. Encourages health and breed information. Has a friendly atmosphere and helpful committee. Good choice of refreshments and lunch break activities. Promote entry and publish show results.
Funniest photo celebrates the amusing world of dog shows a images that captures Bulldogs and they’re handlers in the most hilariously way. Which one do you like best nominate it for The funniest photo of the year.